Volunteer or Write
Volunteer support is at the heart of everything CancerForward does and needs to do.
Volunteers assist with administrative functions and preparing for events, coordinating mailings, phone banks, and data entry. They also assist the editorial staff of CancerForward.org in managing research and content acquisition, very important and necessary components of the Foundation’s unique web platform. If you would like to volunteer your time to CancerForward.
Are you health or wellness expert passionate about a topic involving the physical, emotional or practical effects of a cancer diagnosis? Are you a professional journalist who frequently writes on healthcare subjects or has a story idea about a high-profile cancer survivor? Are you always learning new information and want a new outlet to educate others? If so, CancerForward.org invites you to visit with us about joining our team of contributing writers.
We seek contributions of original articles or previously written articles to post to our website. Content posted on CancerForward.org is fed to the members of The Survivor Network and is promoted for the enjoyment of our numerous Twitter followers and Facebook fans. For inquiries and more information about becoming a contributing writer, contact us here.
Thank you for your interest in CancerForward! We look forward to working together to connect, educate and share information among cancer survivors, empowering them to move forward with their lives.